The Madhya Pradesh State Open School has released the Ruk Jana Nahi Result 2018 for the December session on January 29, 2019. The candidates can check the result at Students can also find the result via MPSOS mobile app. As per the press note released by the board, around 22230 candidates had applied for class 10 exams while the number of the candidates registered for class 12 exams was 25195.
The candidates can find out their results online on the official website i.e. on or on The link to check the MPSOS RJN Result December 2018 is available on the homepage. After clicking on the link, the candidates will be redirected to a new page. On that page, they are required to submit the credentials such as they need to select the exam (10th or 12th) and enter the roll number or the OS roll number. Click on the “Login” button and the result will appear.
The result contains useful information about the exams as well as the students. So, in the results, the candidates can see the name of the candidates, the roll number of the students, registration number, enrollment number, class name, the date of birth, subject code, subject name, marks in the subjects, overall marks, result status etc.
For this session, 65 candidates from class 10 and 524 students from class 12 have got the first division and passed the exam with flying colors. In class 10, 2278 students obtained the second division while in class 12, the number of candidates who have the second division is 7864. Now, coming to the third division, around 7392 candidates of class 10 and 3985 students of class 12 have got the third division in the Ruk Jana Nahi exams.
So, overall, approx 9735 and 12373 students passed the exams of class 10 and 12 respectively. As per the data shared by MPSOS, the pass percentage of class 10 is 43.7% and of class 12 is 49%.
The students who did not pass this session Ruk Jana Nahi exams can now register through AISECT KIOSK scheme suggested by the board.
The MPSOS had conducted the exams for class 10 from December 01 to 10, 2018. For class 12, the board exams were held from December 01 to December 15, 2018.
The Ruk Jana Nahi Yojana is a scheme launched by the Madhya Pradesh State Open School. It is the scheme which helps the students to improve their scores. Those candidates who do not get the passing marks in the main exams can apply for the Ruk Jana Nahi exams. The board conducts these exams twice a year i.e. in the month of June and December.