Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) is going to release the RGPV Diploma admit card 2022 on the official website. The semester exams of Diploma courses are going to commence from June 13, 2022. Earlier, the university released the subject and semester wise time table for all the courses. The RGPV Diploma admit card 2022 is going to be available on the online mode. Candidates can check the official website, rgpv.ac.in and use the login credentials, username and password to download the admit card. As per the timetable, the exam is going to be held in a single shift from 11 am to 2 pm.
RGPV Diploma Admit Card, When?
As of now, the university has not notified the RGPV Diploma admit card release date. However, it is a rule that the admit card for the exams are released at least 8 to 10 days before the exam. Having said that, since the exams are going to commence on June 13, 2022. Hence, the RGPV Diploma admit card are expected to be released either this week or next week for sure. Candidates are advised to keep a tab on the official website, rgpv.ac.in for all the latest updates related to the admit card release.
How to Download RGPV Diploma Admit Card?
The RGPV Diploma admit card shall be released only in the online mode. Therefore, the candidates are advised to adhere to the following steps while downloading the admit card for the semester exams for Diploma courses:
Step 1: Visit the official website of RGPV, rgpc.ac.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the students option and then hit the login link from the drop down menu
Step 3: Next, enter Username and Password followed by the captcha code on the login page
Step 4: Go through the RGPV Diploma admit card 2022 and save it on the device.
The university has released the subject wise timetable for the RGPV Diploma courses. Candidates have to simply check the exam dates from the revised table issued by the university a few days back from the link mentioned below.