Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has released MPSC Forest Service Hall Ticket 2019. That hall ticket is out, has been notified at Whereas login link is hosted at Candidates can now download hall tickets in order to appear in preliminary exam scheduled to be held on May 26, 2019.
Candidates need to visit in order to get their hall tickets. Under recent news / announcements section, they will find note that says “Announcement Regarding Hall Ticket Forest Services Pre Exam-2019”. Clicking it leads to the detailed MPSC Forest Service Hall Ticket 2019 notification.
As per it, admit card aka hall tickets can be downloaded from There, candidates need to log in with user name and password. Those who have forgotten password or user name can click the forgot user name / password link that is just below the login form. Then they can retrieve password by entering username and date of birth, and username by entering date of birth and mobile number.
Besides, there is an alternate link that says “Click here to Download Hallticket without entering Username and Password.” Through this, candidates can login with application ID and download hall ticket.
MPSC Forest Service Recruitment 2019 is for 100 vacancies. This is divided among two posts namely Assistant Forest Guard (29 vacancies), Forest Ranger (71 vacancies).
On day of exam, candidates must bring only admission certificate, black ink ball point pen, original identification card and copy.
Smart watch, digital watch, microphone, mobile phone, any kind of device including camera, sim card, blue tooth, anything that can be used as a telecommunication tool, electronic equipment, books, notes, bugs, pods, calculator are not allowed. Candidates can also not take help or give help or eachother, or exchange tools or materials of any kind in exam hall.
At time of downloading hall ticket, candidates may face problem if pop up blocker is not disabled. Thus if admit card is not downloading then first thing to check is that pop up blocker is disabled. If problem persists, then candidates should ensure that they are keying in correct login details. In case of any concerns, one can contact MPSC from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM.
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) was founded as per Article 315 of Indian Constitution. It looks after recruitment of candidates for various govt jobs in Maharashtra. Also, it takes care of formulating recruitment rules, promotions, transfers. MPSC comprises of Chairman and five members. Its ongoing recruitment include MPSC Engineering Services Exam 2019, MPSC State Service Exam 2019, MPSC PSI Recruitment 2019, and MPSC Forest Service Exam 2019.