Maharaja Ganga Singh University (MGSU) Admit Card for the examination May/June 2019 is expected to release soon. The Varsity will release the admit card online at the website, Students eligible to appear for the exam will be able to download MGSU Admit Card once it is released. MGSU is conducting the examination from May 15, 2019.
Students can search the admit card either by providing the “Form No or General Details”. It is informed that the officials shall not provide the admit card individually. If the eligible students have any issue while downloading the admit card then immediately inform to the controller of examination. Students must carry the print of MGSU Admit Card and college ID on the day of the examination.
MGSU Admit Card 2019
Maharaja Ganga Singh University releases the admit card online at the official website. Students eligible to appear for the exam can download MGSU Admit Card in a few simple steps. Follow the steps to get the admit card. Access the website, and refer to the “Admit Card Exam – 2019” link. Select the Programme, Class/Faculty, and class for the exam form. Make a selection of anyone “Form No or General Details” to search the admit card. Provide all the required details required to search the admit card. Select the admit card and take the print of the same.
It is important to carry the admit card on the day of the examination. MGSU Admit Card holds the information such as exam name, roll no, enrol no., category, college name, student name, father’s name, mother’s name, centre name, photograph, exam programme for the subject (s) offered, controller of exam signature, and few important notes.
MGSU Time Table for the exam being held in May/June 2019 is available online. Students can check the timetable to know the exam date, day, time, subject and paper no. The exam time table is available for B.Ed, B.Ed Special, LLB 1st Year, M.Ed, and B.A. B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed Part 1, 2, & 3.
Students must report to the assigned exam centre 15 minutes before the commencement of the exam. It is advised to the students that if they wish to make a complaint against the question paper then they can do so within a week from the date of the exam. No complaint will be entertained after this period. Students must not carry the mobile phone and programmable calculator inside the exam hall.