National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the admit card of JEE Main 2021 for the 3rd session exam on its official website Despite being the admit card uploaded to the official website, many candidates are facing issues while downloading it. Most of the candidates are even unable to log in to their accounts on the official website of NTA even after entering the application number and Date of Birth (DOB) correctly.
Here are some issues that many candidates reported while downloading the admit card for JEE Main 2021 3rd session exam:
- Some of the candidates were able to download the JEE Main 2021 3rd session admit card but their admit card has various mistakes and discrepancies such as signature, application number, and photographs are not printed.
- Despite entering the valid login credentials, the candidates are getting the message saying invalid credentials.

All these difficulties and issues have created a panic among the candidates. Let us clear it here that there is no need to worry as the problem is occurring due to some technical issues on the official website of the NTA. The NTA will soon resolve the technical problems and candidates will be able to download their admit cards of JEE Main 2021 without any issues and discrepancies. Candidates are advised to download the admit card after 12 am at midnight because, at this time, the website traffic is low and the admit card can be downloaded easily.
Still, if any sort of issues or problems occurred while downloading of JEE Main 2021 3rd session admit card then candidates can raise their queries and issues by contacting the respective exam organizing authority i.e. National Testing Agency. Candidates can contact NTA either through email [email protected] or by dialing on 011-40759000. Candidates should note that while raising any issues via email or contact number they should provide their JEE Main 2021 application number.
JEE Main 2021 3rd session examination will be held on July 20, 22, 25, and July 27, 2021. The exam will be held in a CBT mode. The exam date of JEE Main 2021 4th session will be declared soon by NTA. The admit card for the 4th session exam will soon be released separately on the official website of NTA. While going for the examination, candidates should carry their admit card along with one original copy of identity proof. It is mandatory to wear masks properly and be advised to carry a small bottle of sanitizer. NTA has released covid-19 pandemic guidelines and the exam will be conducted accordingly. Candidates should abide by them.