Recently, after the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) had released the Foundation 2018 result on its official website,, it was seen that a majority of candidates were from Ahmedabad. To be precise, 8 out of the top 25 candidates, belonged to this city! While 2 from Rajasthan and 1 from Madhya Pradesh.
If we shorten the list of toppers to Top 10, then Karina Chandwani of Gandhinagar district has bagged 8th rank in India. She is said to be the only one with 342 marks out of 400 to make it this close! While reporting to one of the national dailies, Karina said that she had chosen CS because of her keen interest in law.
Moreover, she also claims that her exams went well, but she didn’t expect to work her way to the Top 10 candidates, nationally. But she says this surely did add feather in her cap! Furthermore, this B.Com. student of National College wishes to even pursue Chartered Accountancy in future, as well. 4 candidates among these 8 are reported to be girl candidates.
Dipti Sharma, who was ranked 13, when interviewed said that CS course has got more theoretical part to it, whereas CA has to deal with numbers and accounts. This B.Com student of CU Shah College chose CS course because she finds it to be more fascinating in terms of the opportunity, that this course offers. Other 2 girl candidates, Khushi Jain and Saloni Kamra were ranked 22 and 25, nationally.
Boys were not even left far behind in this domain! Harshil Patel (13), Keshav Somani (17), Shubham Patidar (18), Aayush Jain (21), Vishnuvardhan V Iyer (21) and Hitendra Singh Rao (24) are the ones, who made it the top 25 list.
Candidates require a minimum of 40% in each paper and 50% in average to qualify for CS Foundation level. After passing CS Foundation level, a candidate needs to go through and pass CS Executive and Professional levels to become a successful company secretary. For June 2019 session, Foundation exam has been scheduled to be held on June 08, and 09, 2019 in CBT mode for all the interested Class 12th or its equivalent exam passed candidates. Whereas CS Executive and CS Professional is going to be conducted on June 01-09, 2019 and June 01-10, 2019, respectively.
ICSI conducts CS Foundation exam, twice a year i.e in the month of June and December. A candidate needs to appear for 4 papers, namely Business Environment and Law, Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship, Business Economics and Fundamentals of Accounting. For June 2019 session, on June 8, Paper 1 and 2 will be conducted from 9:30 A.M – 6:30 PM, whereas on June 9, 2019, Paper 3 and 4 will be conducted from 9:30 A.M – 6:30 PM. Note that, CS Foundation Scorecard will be valid for 6 months from the date of admission.
Congratulations to all the toppers from team Aglasem! Also, stay tuned with Aglasem News to know more about CS Foundation.