Students all over India are confused and anxious to know their C-CAT Result 2018. The official date for the announcement of the result is July 12, 2018, i.e. today. However, some students could check their result on the evening of July 11, 2018. The news of CDAC C-CAT Result announcement spread like fire throughout the web but the chaos started when some students were not able to check their rank.
What Exactly happened with CDAC C-CAT Result 2018? Has it been released?
So, what happened is that CDAC did announce the result on the evening of July 11, 2018. The problem is that server of CDAC got overloaded. Also, certain technical database error occurred and result was not uploaded properly. Due to which, certain candidates were able to check their result and some were not able to check it. Few candidates could not even access their student login.
What is the Solution and when will CDAC Announce C-CAT 2018 Result?
Students need not worry. The officials are working on solving the issue. They have informed that the C-CAT Result 2018 will be announced today, on July 12, 2018. The officials have sent C-CAT 2018 aspirants a message that the result will be available by 5:00 pm. But, it should be noted that their might be further delay as well. Yet, let us hope that result will be announced by the end of the day. The official message sent by CDAC regarding the result announcement is as follows:
How you will be able to check your CDAC C-CAT Result 2018?
The result of CDAC CAT will be announced online, on the official website, In order to check the result, the candidates will have to access the student login. To do so, form number and password will be needed. Once, candidates will be login, they will be able to see a tab for the result. When the candidates will click on it, their C-CAT Rank in Section A / Section A, B / Section A, B, C will be displayed.
Along with the result, the option and date for the choice filling and allotment will also be revealed. As per the news reports, the choice filling will remain open until July 18, 2018. However, the confirmed dates will be announced after the announcement of the result.
All the best to all the candidates who are waiting for their CDAC C-CAT Result 2018. We hope you all pass with good scores. We are aware that you are worried for your result and have been looking for it since morning. But, have a little patience. Your result will be announced soon. You can share your disappointment and thoughts with, us. Comment below, we are listening. Good luck!
Yet i m not able to see result.What I have to do???