Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Indian Forest Service main examination 2019 admit card on its website. The downloadable link is available until December 8, 2019, upto 4:00 PM.
The admit card is released for the main examination of IFS which are scheduled to be conducted from December 1, 2019, till December 8, 2019. The exam is set to happen in two sessions on each day; first in the morning or forenoon session and the second one in the afternoon session. The former will be held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and the later will commence at 2:00 PM and end at 5:00 PM.
To download the UPSC IFS admit card 2019, visit the official website of UPSC which is upsconline.nic.in ->> On the main page itself, click on the link stating “e-admit cards for various examinations of UPSC” ->> A page gets open containing the links for all the active examination ->> Select the link against IFS mains exam ->> After the opening of the new window click on “Click here” ->> Read the instructions and click on “yes button” ->> Download the admit card either using the registration id or roll number and date of birth.
The admit card contains the details regarding the candidate and the examination. Information like candidates name, roll number, date of the exam, timings of the paper, venue name and address, center code, gender, photograph and signature of the candidate.
As notified in the instructions released for the admit card, it is mentioned that it is mandatory to carry one photo identity card in original along with the admit card at the time of the examination. This should be same as the one whose number is mentioned in the admit card.
Candidates shall abide by the rules and instruction laid by the commission. One must reach at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No electronics and cell phones are allowed inside the examination center. It is also a must to note that those whose photograph are not clear on the admit card must bring additional passport size photograph one for each session along with them. Candidates must bring black/blue ballpoint pen to examination.
The main examination is a written examination. The candidates have to write their answer in the space provided below the question in the Question cum Answer (QCA) booklet. It will be of a total duration of 3 hours. There will be six papers – I, II, III, IV, V, VI. I and II are respectively general english, general knowledge, each of 300 marks. III, IV, V, VI are optional subject papers of 200 marks each, any two to be selected.
Once the main examination is over the candidates are called for the personality test and interview. The main objective of the interview is to assess the personality of the candidate on various factors such as intellectual curiosity, leadership, social inclination, mental ability and many more. The combined result of the candidates will determine the selection for the post of Indian Forest Service (IFS) in UPSC.