As per the latest reports, the students may get the result of TS Inter in the next week. According to some of the media reports, the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education will declare the result of the Inter first and the second year on April 08, 2019. However, there is no confirmation available from the board. The candidates will be able to see the results online at
Last year, the TS Inter Result for 1st year and 2nd year was announced on April 13, 2018. So, there is a high possibility that candidates may get the results of this session on the specified date.
The candidates will be able to obtain the result on the official website. They will be required to click on the link and then they will be redirected to a new page. On that page, they need to enter the details. So, there submit the hall ticket number and captcha to find the results.
The TS Board will declare the result of various streams. The result will be released for the first year general students, 1st year vocational students, 2nd year general candidates, and 2nd year vocational candidates. The links will be separate for all the streams. However, the process will be the same.
Apart from the official website, the board will also announce the result on some other websites such as,,,,,,,,,,, and
This year, about 4,36,000 students have appeared for the exams for Inter second year. For the first year, the number is almost similar. As per the news, the total number of students who have taken part in the exams of TS Inter is more than 9 lac.
The exams of class 11 were held from February 27 to March 16, 2019, while the board conducted the exams of class 12 from February 28 to March 18, 2019. The exams were concluded at 1,300 centres across 31 districts.
In the previous year, 4,36,727 candidates appeared for Inter first-year general category exams while 39,147 for vocational. For Inter second year exams, 4,64,903 students took part in the general category and 35,383 in the vocational streams. The number of candidates who got Grade A was 1,36,584, Grade B 76,042, Grade C 32,499 and Grade D 10,415.
All the best for the results. For any query or questions, do use the comment section given below.