Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has issued an important notice, providing clarification about a widely-circulated fake notification. The notice has been issued on tnpsc.gov.in, the commission’s official website. Accordingly, the commission has warned candidates against misinformation spread on social media. Candidates must not take such information seriously and instead, rely on the official website for important updates. The fake notification was pertaining to the upcoming TNPSC Group 4 2022 recruitment.
It does not come as a surprise that such fake recruitment notifications are being published and circulated on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As per official information, the TNPSC Group 4 notification is expected to release in March 2022. Hence, a fake notification being circulated around this time is not shocking.
TNPSC Group 4 Fake Notification
Although the TNPSC Group 4 fake notification looks realistic, the dates mentioned in it give away its false nature. The tentative timetable claimed by the fake draft has been summarised in the table below –
Recruitment Process | Tentative Date |
Publication of written result | December 2019 |
Certificate Verification | January 2020 |
Counseling | February 2020 |
In addition to wrong dates, the schedule directly talks about the written exam result. So, it becomes difficult to believe this fake notification, let alone rely on it for information about the recruitment drive. However, there are some candidates who believed in this TNPSC Group 4 fake notification owing to which, the state commission released a public notice.
What does the notice say?
The official notice issued by TNPSC begins by acknowledging that misinformation is being widely circulated on social media platforms. This misinformation is pertaining to the TN Civil Servants Selection Committee IV. Thereafter, the committee has warned candidates about not relying on such unverified information.
The public notice further reiterated that all notices pertaining to the upcoming written examination shall be published on TNPSC’s official website. Accordingly, the Group 4 official notification shall be issued soon. So, candidates are also advised to visit the official portal consistently, for important update in this regard.
TNPSC Group 4 Exam Planner
Recently, the state commission released the exam planner for Group 4 recruitment. Accordingly, the official notification is expected to release this month. However, an exact date has not been specified. Furthermore, the written exam for filling up a total of 5255 vacancies shall be held in June 2022. The official notification is likely to mention the exact exam date.