BSE Odisha has announced OTET result 2019 today, a few minutes back. The result has been published online on the official websites, Although is down at the moment, is working fine.
Candidates who appeared in the exam can check their result with registration number, password or date of birth. The last date to login to check results is December 5, 2019. It is relevant to note the end date as beyond it, result will not be available online on the official website.
How to check OTET result 2019?
To check the results, candidates need to go to Then click the link “Results Of OTET, 2019” under latest updates. The page that opens has the heading “Results for Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET)”, and under it, are given dates for commencement of result and closure of result.
Besides the dates table is the login form. There are three fields in it. Candidates need to enter their registration number in the first field. Then in the second field, they can enter either password or date of birth. And in the third field, enter captcha code that appears on the page.
After entering the details, click the login button, and the next page, the result will be displayed.
BSE Odisha has published marks scored by candidates and their qualifying status in the result. Those who have obtained marks more than the cut off have been declared qualified and they will be issued TET certificate.
Only qualified candidates shall be eligible to apply for the post of teachers. Whereas marks obtained does not mandatorily play a role in selection as teacher, schools may decide to use it as a basis of merit, besides their own teacher recruitment test or other factors. For this reason, those who have qualified but wish to improve their scores can appear in OTET next time; there is no age limit or attempt limit to take the test.
Those who are trying to check OTET results at may face this error
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error messagePDOException: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: connection limit exceeded for non-superusers in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /var/www/html/bseodisha/includes/”
This is a technical issue on the website end, and candidates need not panic. They can simply go to instead and check their results.
OTET 2019 was notified in July. Application forms were accepted from July 15 to 26. Admit card was issued by BSE Odisha on August 2. The exam was held from August 6 to 18, and then again on August 22, and September 19. Candidates who had applied for OTET 2018, also had to apply again for OTET 2019, though without fees since the Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test of last year had to be cancelled in light of paper leak.