AIIMS New Delhi has released the AIIMS PG 2019 Admit Card on April 25, 2019. The admit card is available for download at under the candidate’s login. the candidates have to use their login credentials to download their AIIMS PG 2019 Admit Card for the PG Courses – MD/MS/MCh(6YRS)/DM(6YRS) /MDS July 2019 session.
The AIIMS PG 2019 exam will be held on May 05, 2019. The exam will be a computer-based test (CBT). the candidates have to carry their AIIMS PG 2019 Admit Card to be able to enter the exam centers and take the entrance exam.
To download the admit card, the candidates have o visit the official website and click on the admit card download link. In doing so the login window will open. Here the candidates need to enter their Registration Id, Registration Unique Code, and Password and login to get the admit card.
If forgot login password? Note that the candidates if forget their login details can get their credentials back with the help of the “forgot login details?” link available in the login screen. Using the link the candidates can get back their login password only. In such a case, the candidates have to enter the Registration ID or their date of birth, mobile number and email id. On submitting these details the password is restored and the candidates can use it to login and get their AIIMS PG Admit Card 2019.
The candidates need to appear in the exam center as per the date, time and address available in the admit card. If there is any discrepancy in the admit card or any details is not er the ones that the candidates have provided at the time of filling the application form they need to report it.
To report any error in the admit card the candidates can contact the Assistant Controller of Examinations AIIMS, New Delhi through email. If any changes are made in the admit card the same will be notified to the candidates and the candidates need to download the fresh admit card and carry the same at the exam center.
There will be no issuance of the admit card via any other mode except for the online mode. It is the responsibility of the candidates to get the admit card downloaded before the AIIMS PG 2019 exam day. the admit card must be carried in a printed format as in the exam center no soft copy of the admit card will be accepted.
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